VRISKA: Sollux, I never got to simultaneously thank you and reprimand you for tracing that money transfer.
VRISKA: On the one hand, it made Terezi rich, and now she won't stop lording it over me!
SOLLUX: ok, ii'm pretty much 100% po2iitiive 2he'2 not actually doiing that, but ok.
VRISKA: Shh! 8ut on the other hand, you've opened up a whole world to me with this discovery. So many people to meddle with, so many plans to hatch.
VRISKA: So really, my reaction to it is twofold. Somewhat 8ipolar if you will. Don't you think that's appropri8?
SOLLUX: man, ju2t...
SOLLUX: go away.
SOLLUX: ii'm not iin the glubbiing mood.
VRISKA: Stop saying fish things, everyone thinks it's annoying!!!!!!!!