NEPETA: :33 < *nepeta giggles at the spidergirls funny googly eye. she just cant s33m to get used to it!*
VRISKA: *Marquise Mindfang shares the innocent young catgirl's giggle, as she surreptitiously reaches for an orn8 dagger concealed in her 8oot!*
NEPETA: :33 < noooooo dont roleplay as mindfang! :((
NEPETA: :33 < you only do terrible things when you are her
NEPETA: :33 < why dont you pretend to be something cute for a change?
VRISKA: How a8out my spidersona? It's adora8le!
NEPETA: :33 < no its not! you only do terrible things as your spidersona too
NEPETA: :33 < i changed my mind, why dont we just not do any roleplaying instead
VRISKA: ::::(