VRISKA: I must say, I am really disgusted 8y how you've resorted to following orders from that low class slo8 with the hideous mutant 8lood.
VRISKA: I thought you were 8etter than that! I thought WE were 8etter than that.
EQUIUS: D --> I...
EQUIUS: D --> You're absolutely right, it's disgraceful
EQUIUS: D --> I think it is possibly time to admit I have some sort of problem
EQUIUS: D --> I would very much like to honor my position on the hemospectrum and mistreat those beneath me, and yet...
VRISKA: Whoa, alright! I was just messing with you, dude. As if I really give a shit a8out any of that!
VRISKA: Hahahahahahahaha.