EB: this is the worst crap i have ever seen. EB: what am i looking at here? GC: 1TS TH3 B3ST 1 CAN DO GC: >:[ EB: ok sorry but it's useless. EB: what's with these colors. GC: 1 P1CK3D ON3S TH4T SM3LL N1C3 EB: couldn't you just, like... EB: crop the world map. EB: i thought you guys were THE BEST. GC: SHUT UP MY M4P 1S F1N3 GC: LOOK 1TS NOT 3V3N TH4T F4R 4W4Y GC: 1LL L34D YOU TO 1T GC: 1TS 4 B1G P1P3 GC: YOU JUMP 1N GC: TH3 W1ND W1LL T4K3 YOU TO TH3 G4T3 GC: 1TS 4 SHORTCUT EB: you mean The Breeze? GC: Y34H WH4T3V3R GC: L3TS G3T MOV1NG JOHN GC: 4R3 YOU R34DY TO FUCK UP TH3 T1M3L1N3??? EB: sure.