-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] sent ectoBiologist [EB] the file "LOW4SM4P.FL4" --
EB: what's this? GC: 1T'S YOUR WORLD M4P GC: W1TH YOUR S3COND G4T3 L4B3L3D GC: SO YOU C4N GO TH3R3 EB: oh man, let me drop everything and go there, because i'm in such a huge hurry to take more of your advice! GC: JOHN PL34S3 GC: G1V3 M3 ON3 OF YOUR HUM4N BR34KS GC: 1 F33L 4WFUL 4BOUT K1LL1NG YOU GC: 3V3N THOUGH T3CH1N1C4LLY YOU N3V3R 3V3N D13D SO 1 DONT KNOW WH4T YOUR3 B1TCH1NG 4BOUT >:[ EB: yeah, well, dave said i did, and i believe him! GC: TH4T 1S B3C4US3 H3 4ND YOU 4R3 B3ST PUP4 P4LS FOUR LYF3 GC: C4NT 1 B3 YOUR P4L TOO JOHN??? EB: i don't know, i thought you were ok for a while, but now you are kind of giving me the creeps! GC: J3GUS JOHN EB: what? GC: 1 4M 1NVOK1NG TH3 N4M3 OF YOUR 34RTH J3GUS GC: TO 3XPR3SS FRUSTR4T1ON EB: you mean my earth jesus? GC: 1 DONT KNOW GC: DO 1 EB: do you have a troll jegus? GC: JOHN GC: W3 H4V3 TH3 B3ST TROLL J3GUS GC: YOU DONT 3V3N KNOW EB: wow, really? EB: or is this a joke? GC: 1TS 4 JOK3 GC: 1M NOT R34LLY SUR3 WH4T 4 J3GUS 1S >:? EB: well... EB: neither do i, i guess. EB: it's pretty much not anything. GC: JOHN GC: W1LL YOU PL34S3 FOLLOW TH3 M4P????? GC: L3T M3 34RN YOUR TRUST GC: 1F YOU DONT L1K3 WH4TS ON TH3 OTH3R S1D3 OF TH3 G4T3 GC: YOU C4N JUST TURN 4ROUND! EB: um... EB: ok. EB: i'll take a look.