twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling apocalypseArisen [AA]
TA: aradiia ii would liike two apologiize, ii flew off the handle there. TA: iit wa2 liike the handle wa2 a bald guy goiing really fa2t, and ii wa2 hii2 twoupee. TA: 2o iim 2orry, iit wa2 my fault. AA: its 0k TA: ii hope we are 2tiill friiend2. AA: yes we are TA: 2o anyway, ii thiink even though ii quiit a2 leader iim 2tiill goiing two play the game now. TA: becau2e iit2 eiither that or get totally creamed by all the2e fuckiing 2pace boulder2. TA: hey maybe we can make the be2t of the game anyway, even though ii guess we are goiing two lo2e. AA: n0 im s0rry AA: y0u cant s0llux AA: n0t yet TA: oh my god!!! TA: youre goiing two giive me 2hiit agaiin??? TA: after ii crawled on my belly liike that all groveliing at you. TA: liike 2ome low cla22 guy wiith... whatever color blood ii2 lower on the hiierarchy than miine. TA: what2 wor2e than yellow? TA: fuck thii2 confu2iing ca2te 2y2tem. TA: anyway 2crew you, iim playiing thii2 game riight now. AA: n0 y0ure n0t AA: trust me TA: waiit what2 thii2... TA: are you heariing that 2pooky me22age from the grave? TA: iit ii2 from my abiiliity two giive a 2hiit. TA: whiich ju2t diied. TA: thii2 ii2 where you laugh agaiin! AA: c0me t0 the wind0w TA: why. AA: because im 0utside TA: b2. AA: take a l00k TA: ii dont 2ee anythiing out there. AA: c0me cl0ser y0ull see me AA: i pr0mise TA: god ii am ju2t bulge deep iin the fecal matter of a wiildly iincontiinent hoofbea2t but ok, iill iindulge you. TA: here ii go!