AT: wHERE DOES IT GO, AG: I have determined from your consorts that there is a terri8le monster deep underground. AG: It guards a hoard of treasure 8igger than either of us can imagine! AG: It is called a denizen, and it is the 8oss of your whole planet. AG: Tavros, you will go and face your denizen. AT: wON'T THAT BE, AT: tOO DIFFICULT, AG: It will 8e the most powerful adversary you have ever met. AG: 8ut you can handle it. I 8elieve in you! AT: uM, tHANKS, AT: i MEAN, i RESPECT THAT YOU HAVE LOTS OF, AT: pIRATEY BRAVADO ABOUT STUFF, aND YOU TYPE FAST ABOUT IT, AT: bUT i THINK THIS IS FOOLISH AND NOT SENSIBLE, AT: i WILL PROBABLY JUST GET KILLED, rEALISTICALLY, AG: May8e! That is the risk you take 8y 8eing a 8rave adventurer. AG: 8ut it is a good opportunity to apply your cunning. AG: May8e you can rally a huge army to 8end to your will and overwhelm the monster???????? Who knows! It is up to you. AG: This is it, Tavros. It is time to sink or swim. AT: i SHOULD GET kANAYA'S ADVICE, AT: oR MAYBE kARKAT SINCE HE IS THE LEADER, AG: No!!!!!!!! AG: Oh god, every time. Always going and getting to others to 8ail you out. AG: Anyway, Kanaya is missing in action, and Karkat has his head up his nook with his new sta88y h8friend. AG: Neither can help you. AT: iT'S JUST HARD TO FIGURE OUT, AT: iF YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA STRATEGICALLY, AT: oR IF IT'S JUST MORE OF THE THING, wHERE YOU HARASS ME BUT SOUND EXCITED ABOUT IT, AG: Tavros, I know no8ody 8elieves me a8out this, pro8a8ly not even a gulli8le dope like you. AG: 8ut I actually care a8out your advancement as a player. AG: Everything I have done has 8een to make you stronger! AT: oKAY, AT: i STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE, aBOUT THAT, AG: Ugh, you are useless! AG: I'm done talking a8out this. Now shut up and point that cherry vehicle of yours toward the X on that map. AG: Next stop, g8 seven. Let's go. AT: uHHHHHH, AG: This isn't optional. You know very well that I can make you go to that g8 whether you want to or not! AG: 8ut I would rather it not have to come to that. AG: What will it 8e? AG: Advance or advance? AT: oKAY, AT: i WILL GO, AG: Oh one last thing. AG: Equip your 8oy-Skylark outfit. AG: This will 8e Pupa's last stand! AG: I mean sit. AG: Hahahahahahahaha.