EB: jade is not answering! EB: are you sure she's ok? AG: She's asleep! AG: She sure seems to sleep a lot. She sort of reminds me of my goo8er teamm8. AG: He napped through most of the adventure, and was practically useless. EB: oh... EB: you mean carcino geneticist? AG: Hahahaha, no way! Karkat is so up tight, he hardly slept a wink over the whole 600 hour span of our quest. AG: He didn't even wake up on the moon until AFTER we won the game, hahahahahahahaha. AG: What a loser. EB: heheh. car cat. that is how i am saying that. EB: beep beep, meow! EB: i will have to remember to give him a hard time about that. AG: John, you are pretty weird! I can see why you would piss him off so much. EB: it is really not hard to do that. AG: Tell me a8out it! AG: Speaking of telling me a8out things... AG: Why don't you tell me what you were just dreaming a8out that was so important, fellow Prospit dreamer???????? AG: Prospit is the 8est. Derse is where all the rejects hang out. Am I right? EB: i never even saw prospit. EB: aside from flaming bits and pieces of it i guess. EB: something happened, and it blew up, and dream jade died, and then i was wandering around this place that was like a chess board with a huge crater in it, with loads of dead black and white guys everywhere. AG: Yes, I know all that! That place is the 8attlefield, which is where your dream self lives now. You will appear there any time you go to sleep. AG: Prospit dreamers are supposed to end up there eventually. If they're any good, that is. ::::) AG: 8ut you got there so much sooner. Normally a dreamer's journey to the 8attlefield will not 8e so spectacularly sudden and violent. Meteoric, if you will! EB: oh, huh. AG: 8ut you didn't answer my question! What was so important that you wanted to go 8ack to sleep again for? EB: my dad was there. AG: What's that? EB: um, you know... EB: my guardian? AG: Oh, you mean the adult male human who lived in your hive? EB: yes. if by hive you mean house. AG: Haha, I was wondering a8out that. I was like, what the hell is this guy doing in this kid's hive? Where is his lusus? Is he an orphan contending with some sort of meddlesome grownup squatter???????? EB: um... EB: these observations are very alien of you. EB: but that's pretty cool i guess, seeing as you are an alien. AG: Yes, I just chalked it up as generic alien weirdness and didn't think too much a8out it. Just another series of strange exhi8its from an inferior civiliz8tion. EB: the funny thing is, he is not even really my dad. EB: i mean, i was adopted by him, although we are not actually unrelated, i think. EB: he is the son of my grandmother, who isn't really my grandmother... EB: nanna is sort of like my biological mother, and my biological father would be jade's grandpa, sorta. EB: both of which i just created, with slime and stuff, and sent back in time as babies. EB: so i guess, if anything, that makes my dad... EB: my half brother??? AG: ::::\ EB: tell me about it!