-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling gardenGnostic [GG] --
CA: noww that youre done makin all that pointless rubbish CA: ivve got somethin wway more wworth your wwhile GG: which one were you again? GG: wait GG: werent you the guy who was always trying to hit on me?? CA: that couldvve been anyone CA: lets not get distracted by your sad league of suitors and their flushed desperations CA: im offerin you the edge here CA: in your rivvalry wwith the other female GG: uh... CA: wwevve got the same abstratus CA: and i dont need this thing anymore CA: since i became more powwerful than you could evver imagine as a mighty wwizard of wwhite science CA: so you might as wwell take it and settle your score wwith that awwful wwitch GG: but GG: im the wwitch! GG: i mean witch CA: yeah ok the seer then if you wwant to be dealin wwith technicalities GG: rose? GG: i do not have a score to settle with rose!!! GG: why would you think that? CA: oh CA: wwell fuck CA: suppose i wwas guessin it wwas natural to presume somesuch relation like that betwween the twwo a you GG: i think you are projecting your own attitude on to others GG: just because you tend to hate and/or hit on everyone you meet doesnt mean everyone else is that way GG: rose just sent me a code for a crystal ball, shes my friend and is basically the best! CA: oh i see so she shared her "magic secrets" wwith you then CA: its probably a trap i wwouldnt trust her CA: she is a cunnin and treacherous sort trust me i knoww her type GG: wait do you have a thing for her too??? GG: did she reject you or something? CA: you are slingin around such a bloody mess of slander wwith these accusations CA: you wwouldnt understand anywway CA: its already been painfully established you people cant get your shalloww think pans under the majesty of our quadrants GG: :| CA: if you must knoww things betwween us wwere gettin pretty bellicose and im pretty sure she wwas wwaxin as obsidian for me as a human got it in em to do CA: and if not for the interdimensional divvide keepin us apart honestly i dont doubt our rivvalry could be brewwin outright pitch GG: uh huh... CA: but the thing is i need a rivval wwho can pose me a challenge CA: and frankly shes not evven fit for holdin my cape anymore CA: at this point i find all her adorable black pixie dabblins to be prime kiddie playtime shit CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike CA: my holy fire is the wwhite fury bled from the wwrath-wweary eyes of fifty thousand nonfictional angels CA: and wwhen theyre finished wweepin they wwill boww before their prince GG: wow what are you talking about CA: so really you should be honored to inherit my old callin CA: both my armaments and my feud CA: itll be wwitch against wwitch CA: a real one vvs an impostor CA: faker one dies GG: hey look at that, time for me to get going! CA: oh wwill you just take the fuckin gun already GG: no i dont want it!!!!! CA: its a wway more powwerful wweapon than any of that crap you made CA: its a legendary relic wwithout equal GG: more like a legendary piece of shit! CA: youre bein needlessly fuckin stubborn about this im doin you a fuckin favvor here GG: yes but i dont like you very much and i feel really icky about accepting a present from you CA: if you accept it this is the last ill evver be botherin you about anythin ok GG: siiigh GG: fine CA: FFFFFFWW GG: what? CA: thats the code GG: oh...