apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]
AA: hi TA: hii? AA: i guess i sh0uld say s0mething AA: bef0re i g0 TA: aradiia, ii am riight glubbiing here, liike two feet away from you. TA: iif you want two 2ay 2omethiing two me why don't you ju2t turn two your left and 2ay iit, iit'2 bad enough that you've hardly 2aiid two lou2y word2 two me 2iince you became that 2weaty a22hole'2 2moochbot. AA: i kn0w AA: but this is hard f0r me TA: how ii2 iit hard. TA: you are a tiin can, robot2 don't have feeliing2. AA: n0 thats n0t true TA: ok then, what ii2 iit. AA: s0rry ab0ut everything AA: and all the bad luck y0uve had AA: y0u didnt deserve it AA: i have t0 g0 n0w TA: what, where are you goiing? AA: im n0t sure TA: er, cool ii gue22?? AA: anyway thats it TA: waiit. TA: you mean for good, wiill ii see you agaiin? AA: i d0nt kn0w that either AA: but i guess if y0u d0 AA: pr0bably n0t with y0ur eyes TA: what the hell i2 that 2uppo2ed two mean? AA: i think y0ull be 0k with it th0ugh AA: 0_0 AA: i wish AA: i c0uld s0meh0w make that em0tic0n smile AA: 0u0 AA: n0 that l00ks stupid AA: 0h well