GC: 1'M R3L13V3D YOU 4ND H3 4R3 OK GC: 1 W4S G3TT1NG SO WORR13D, H3 WOULDN'T 4NSW3R TA: seems like he wants t0 talk t0 y0u. TA: but i was h0ping t0 talk with y0u a bit first, h0pe y0u d0n't mind. TA: i mean, i kn0w he minds, but he can sm00ch my bl00dy, gummy m0uth right 0n the lisp f0r all i care. TA: i mean lips! that's what i mean t0 say, n0w that i can. TA: lips, lips, lipsssss. w0w, it feels s0 great t0 say that w0rd! GC: H3H3H3 >:] GC: OK SOLLUX, W3 C4N T4LK GC: WH4T 1S TH1S 4BOUT YOU B31NG BL1ND? TA: i h0pe y0u d0n't find it insulting that i wanted t0 talk t0 y0u ab0ut it first. TA: y0u just seemed like the right 0ne t0 talk t0 ab0ut it. GC: 1 DO NOT M1ND GC: HOW D1D 1T H4PP3N? TA: it was eridan. TA: g0t me with his fucking science stick, but it's my fault, i t0tally underestimated him. GC: OH NO TA: h0nestly i'm 0k with it th0ugh, i'm fine, i mean, aside fr0m the part ab0ut n0t being able t0 see g0d damn squat. GC: SOLLUX... GC: DO YOU KNOW 4BOUT F3F3R1? TA: yes. GC: 1M SORRY >:[ TA: me t00. TA: but it's 0k, i'm 0k with that t00. TA: it's hard t0 explain h0w i'm feeling n0w. TA: i just kn0w that she is happy and 0k right n0w. TA: just like aradia is. GC: YOU 4R3 SUR3 YOUR3 OK? TA: yeah. TA: i feel better than i ever have, really. TA: there is n0 m0re n0ise, i never realized h0w N0ISY it was. TA: i can finally relax, and hear my 0wn th0ughts with0ut having t0 yell them, 0r actually, just n0t have any th0ughts, that's a nice change 0f pace. GC: TH4TS GOOD GC: WH4T K1ND OF NO1S3 W3R3 YOU H34R1NG TA: v0ices. TA: indiscriminate, indecipherable v0ices, all talking at 0nce, v0ices 0f the s00n t0 be dead. TA: they had been getting l0uder lately, and i just figured they were all 0urs. TA: i tuned them 0ut kind 0f like i pretty much always d0, but n0w that they're g0ne the difference is HUGE, i mean W0W. TA: maybe since they're g0ne, it means we w0n't have t0 die anym0re?