EB: it brought me inside the palace. EB: it was huge, and it took a long time to explore. it was eerily empty too. EB: i had that weird feeling of getting to a place in a video game you are not supposed to be yet, because you don't have the right powerups and such. EB: you know what i mean? AG: Not really. AG: I'm used to taking shortcuts whenever I play games. EB: oh, ok. EB: so, i started getting crazy nervous the longer i was down here, and i was starting to wonder if my silly iron pogo hammer would even do any damage against the monster. AG: *Snort.* EB: what? AG: Against a denizen? Of course that piece of shit isn't going to do anything. AG: If I were you, I would have chucked it into the forge. EB: excuse me, it is called the wrinkle fucker, and it is totally amazing. AG: It might 8e alright if you com8ined it with something awesome. AG: Like some cool dice, for instance. EB: that's so absurd, like anything like that would ever even happen!!!