PCG: OK GREAT, SO IT'S THERE ON THE MONITOR, PROBLEM SOLVED PCG: YOU JUST APPEARIFY ITS GHOST IMPRINT, MIX IT WITH YOUR CURRENT EVOLUTION'S PARADOX SLIME, SMOOTH OUT THE GENETIC WAVEFORM, TADPOLIFY BILIOUS SLICK, AND YOU'RE DONE. ?GG: hopefully! PCG: SO YOU DIDN'T REMEMBER SEEING THIS FROG WHEN YOU WERE A KID AT ALL? ?GG: no, it completely slipped my mind PCG: HOW DID SHE GET YOU TO REMEMBER? PCG: I MEAN, WHAT DID SHE MAKE YOU AGREE TO? ?GG: well, like it was before ?GG: the choices she gives you seem to have to do with facing mortality ?GG: and making it clear if you choose one path over another it will lead to your death ?GG: and that your death may even be necessary to accomplish a goal FGA: Yes Ive Inferred Their Ultimata Are All Personalized Variations On The Presentation Of Such Dilemmas ?GG: yeah ?GG: but ?GG: that is not really what made this hard ?GG: i mean ?GG: nobody wants to die of course ?GG: but at least... ?GG: that is a clear thing ?GG: you either do you you dont ?GG: you know? PCG: YOU SAID WHAT SHE ASKED WAS IMPOSSIBLE. ?GG: it might be FGA: What Were Her Demands ?GG: she said ?GG: that if i accepted her help ?GG: that i would have to make a promise ?GG: that whenever we left this place ?GG: and wherever we end up going ?GG: she had to come PCG: HUH? ?GG: not just echidna but all the denizens ?GG: their palaces their consorts their lands... ?GG: everything ?GG: i have to bring them all with us