UU: i do know a thing or two aboUt the red miles. UU: it is the qUeen's favoUred attack. very long distance and omnidirectional. UU: bUt once Upon a time, her weapon was stolen by a UsUrper. jacked, yoU coUld say, right off her ring finger. and then given a considerable boost in power. UU: that gave the miles enoUgh of a kick to rip a Universe to shreds. UU: and they have been doing so to yoUrs and its many instances for eons. UU: only now have they caUght Up to yoUr instance. it is qUite fortUnate it has taken so long, really. UU: some instances are tUcked deeper in the speaker's mighty blow sack, and will hold oUt for mUch longer, on a vast cosmic scale of coUrse. TG: wait TG: i dont TG: what? instances TG: blowb sack TG: righ now i can hardly walk w/o steppin on my moms scarf ok TG: so theyre destorying the universe is that the bootom line UU: yes. UU: try to think of it like this. UU: imagine that the Universe is contained inside a very large creatUre. UU: say, a great big frog. TG: frog TG: why a frog thats so silly UU: it's jUst a frog! that is the way it is, jUst try to imagine it. TG: k TG: picturin TG: big ol space frog TG: all ribbiting loud an being huge TG: hehehe UU: now imagine that not only does the Universe exist inside it, depending on the creatUre's health and well being to sUrvive... UU: bUt every potential instance of that Universe exists inside as well. UU: those that are doomed and those with promise. UU: even those that were reset from scratch, with slightly different starting conditions. UU: all of those interrelated Universes mingling together inside yoUr frog, inextricable from its physiology. UU: if the frog dies, they all go with it. eventUally. TG: then you are saying some rude a-hole is killin our frog UU: sadly, yes. TG: wow TG: that is TG: just.... TG: the WORST UU: well, it coUld have been worse, actUally. the miles coUld have spread to yoUr Universe before it had the chance to sproUt yoUr lovely planet, providing a home for yoU and yoUr wonderfUl mates. UU: all Universes die at some point. some sooner than others. it is all part of the cycle, and sometimes things like this mUst happen for reasons beyond oUr Understanding. UU: bUt this is neither here nor there. i did not intend to go blathering aboUt all that and waste an important conversation with yoU. UU: i think the trUth is i am probably jUst stalling. TG: stalling what UU: i have some important things to tell yoU. UU: i'm afraid i am going to be breaking so many rUles in doing so. UU: i am not Used to breaking rUles. it makes me very Uncomfortable. UU: bUt it may be my only chance. i hope yoU won't think less of me for it. TG: no way TG: i dont even know what rules ur talking about TG: time shit rules TG: if its time shit rules idgaf about those TG: and m not goinna stop thinking youre great if u "break" them TG: are you in trouble? UU: yes. UU: bUt so are yoU, and i've distracted yoU enoUgh. UU: concentrate on retUrning to yoUr home. UU: once yoU are there and preparing for the game, i will contact yoU again and tell yoU everything that i have been wanting to tell yoU. UU: also... UU: i wanted to give yoU something. :u TG: hoh man TG: what is it! UU: jUst a thing! UU: yoU'll see. UU: now rUn along!!!!!!!!!!! uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]