TG: omg
TG: that is
TG: amazing?
TG: like u have wings or such
UU: no!
UU: i doUbt i am what yoU're pictUring.
UU: bUt aside from a few sUperficial similarities, we are very different from trolls and hUmans.
UU: we are not a social race. we generally will not ever encoUnter another of oUr kind, Unless it is time to mate.
UU: and when that time comes, oUr coUrtship is nothing like it is for hUmans.
UU: it is highly confrontational and violent.
TG: sounds so lonely
TG: plus w/ hecks of tricky sex
UU: it is lonely.
UU: bUt that is in oUr natUre, to be alone. jUst as it is to find attraction throUgh contempt.
UU: now that i think aboUt it, i shoUld have known.
UU: i've been so foolish.
TG: known what
UU: aboUt the natUre of my game session.
UU: i believed he and i coUld play together, even Under oUr UniqUe biological circUmstances.
UU: i was so daft, i thoUght skaia had actUally made an exception for Us.
UU: and that we coUld overcome oUr conflicts, work together, and fUlfill the game's minimUm reqUirement of two players. one of space and the other of time.
UU: bUt i was always fooling myself.
UU: it is now clear only one of Us will sUrvive.
UU: my skaian visions have misled me.
UU: or i have blinded myself to their trUe meaning.
UU: this was always meant to be a session of one.
UU: and i am finally starting to Understand...
UU: the reality of that coUld have conseqUences more horrifying than we coUld begin to imagine.
TG: um
TG: how
UU: the thing is, yoU don't know him like i do.
UU: as hard as it may be to believe, he is even worse than yoU think.
UU: and it's all sUch a shame, not jUst becaUse of that.
UU: it is a shame that i won't be able to play, i gUess for selfish reasons.
UU: i was so looking forward to it.
UU: i really thoUght i was going to be someone special.
UU: that i coUld Use my abilities do something no one had ever done.
TG: hey you are being so defeatist stop that!
TG: you dont know you wont play we havent even tried the wakeup call yet remembr???
UU: yes. you're right.
UU: mUch like skaia, i've sUccUmbed to a gloomier outlook lately, due to recent setbacks.
TG: so whats going to be special bout your game?
TG: aside from that its just your fuckhead bro and you
UU: well, i was always led to believe i woUld be an extraordinary type of player.
UU: both of Us woUld be. we are both assigned extremely rare and powerfUl classes.
UU: they are the two master classes!
TG: oh yeh?
TG: what is urs
UU: mine is the most passive on the scale. a class designated for females only.
UU: i am the mUse of space. ^u^
TG: sounds p cool
TG: whats a muse do
UU: i'm not entirely sUre. i was hoping to discover that on my joUrney.
UU: anyway, his is the other master class.
UU: the most active class of all, reserved for male players.
TG: what is it
UU: Um...
UU: roxy.
UU: i think we may be getting a wee bit carried away with trivia here.
UU: we both have so mUch to do.
UU: yoU need to focUs on getting to safety, while i need to...
UU: prepare myself. for what i hope will be a short nap.
TG: ok
TG: you are right
TG: la siiiiiigh
TG: im worried 4 you
TG: but optimistic
TG: i will call ur name like a million times
TG: and shout it in 2 the void every chance i get
TG: til u come back :3
UU: you are a good friend, roxy.
UU: please take care.