TG: but it sounds like we dont have much to pull this off TG: because foes are a comin? TG: who are all these foes you say we gotta beat UU: those who i mentioned my brother has been exploiting as his pawns from afar. UU: the most obvioUs woUld be the one responsible for the extinction of yoUr race. UU: and who also happened to be responsible for this most fortUitoUs nap. TG: huh? TG: wait TG: how DID i fall asleep? UU: yoU don't remember yet? TG: i remember TG: a party TG: and TG: a sad jane TG: a poor sad jane with shitty fella problems TG: and a ruined cake! it was going 2 be so delish, but no TG: it was claimed by the cruel and unforgiving sands of lopan UU: ... TG: i remember TG: gcat TG: GCAT!!!!! TG: god DAMMIT gcat! TG: he poofed me away with cat magic and i got ko'd by a floor UU: bUt which floor? TG: it was TG: a derse floor? TG: aw man TG: was i captured? TG: the batterwitch has me doesnt she TG: THATS who you meant TG: what is she gonna do with me? UU: as i said, she is his servant, and is obligated to do everything in her power to facilitate the cycle of his existence. UU: and while nearly all she has done on earth and on derse has been to advance that scheme, that does not mean she's withoUt her own agenda. UU: i know that she woUld like to see my brother defeated as mUch as anyone else. for her enslavement, for doUble-crossing her, and for orchestrating her people's extinction. UU: he always did loathe trolls. i've sUspected i may be to blame for their misfortUne as well, considering he knew how mUch i fancied them. u_u TG: ok so if she wants him dead too and has her own personal secret plans or whatever then whats she want with me UU: i believe she's looking ahead, beyond the fUlfillment of her obligation. she is likely making plans for after she is liberated. she has lived as a rUler and conqUerer for very long time, and probably coUldn't have done so withoUt sUch gUile and foresight. UU: if she has captUred yoU, it's certainly for a good reason. UU: i think she wishes to exploit yoUr abilities as a rogUe of void. TG: pfahahaha TG: WHAT abilities TG: i dont have any abilities TG: except making screens dark which as superpowers go is lame as hell UU: none that yoU have gotten in toUch with yet. UU: bUt rest assUred, yoU have them! UU: it's like i told yoU before, remember? UU: a fUlly realized rogUe of void can do remarkable things. things which even other god tiers woUld view as miracUloUs. TG: like what? UU: why don't yoU see what it is the qUeen woUld have yoU do? UU: then yoU may look inside and determine whether yoU have it in yoU to do it. TG: man TG: whatever she wants TG: even if it IS an enemy of my enemy kind of thing TG: i dont think i could ever bring myself to help her :( UU: that is Understandable. UU: jUst do whatever yoU feel is right. i'm sUre yoU will make the correct decision. UU: yoU see, i trUst yoU too, roxy. ^u^ TG: daw thanx callie UU: oh no...