golgothasTerror [GT] began bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG] GT: Jane are you there? GT: I wouldnt blame you for not answering since i was such a shitty boor to you last time. GT: I just wanted to formally say happy birthday. GT: And also to pass along a birthday present. GT: I doubt it will make up for all the ways ive hurt your feelings but maybe it will be a start? GT: Its some fancy juju thingamabob that calliopes bro gave to me. GT: He specifically gave it to me to make me better so i could get stronger and punch him in the snout some day or something? GT: I dunno about that. I dont think i care about becoming a great hero and challenging a weird grumpy alien all that much. GT: Not nearly as much as my friendship with you. GT: So i want you to have it instead. GT: Just use the code to make it. The code is... GT: Um... GT: ORBROBuRBROS? GT: No wait. GT: Thats way too long... GT: uBORBuBROS? GT: How many letters were codes supposed to have? GT: Fuck. GT: BROBuROBuT GT: ORuBuBROBOS GT: No. Uh... GT: BROBRO... something? GT: Wait no there were definitely some little u's in it... GT: Shit. I really should have copied it down before i closed the chat window. GT: OuROBOuRBON GT: BuRBORuBROS... GT: Wow those arent even close. GT: Hang on let me think. gutsyGumshoe [GG] ceased being bothered by golgothasTerror [GT]