ARANEA: 8ut this game was never meant to 8e played solo. ARANEA: Its format is inherently cooper8tive. The diversity of players, the com8in8tion of their efforts and aspects, this is what awakens the true cre8tive potential of the game. Without them, a session will wither and die. ARANEA: If one enters alone, it completely alters the nature of the game. It changes its purpose. ARANEA: For a solo player, a challenging quest 8ecomes an insurmounta8le one. A reward of infinite promise 8ecomes a 8oon far more sinister. ARANEA: The gauntlet which the player must overcome is seemingly designed to 8e impossi8le. For all intents and purposes, it is not actually a game at all. It is a death sentence for any player foolish enough to accept the challenge. ARANEA: 8ut it 8ears repeating. ARANEA: This was very special cheru8.