ARANEA: No denizen has ever 8een mistaken for pleasant company. 8ut the self-proclaimed god of all monsters is notoriously inhospita8le to his players. ARANEA: His choices are known for their wild extremes. ARANEA: And to this player, in this session, he offered his most extreme choice of all. ARANEA: It was the choice 8etween a path of conquest, and a path of sacrifice. ARANEA: 8ut this is putting it lightly. ARANEA: In a tongue only his player could understand, he descri8ed what the path of the martyr entailed. ARANEA: In short, it involved nothing. ARANEA: The player chooses to walk away from the tempt8tion of power. To surrender all am8ition, and to welcome death. ARANEA: In exchange for this pledge comes a promise. The player's sacrifice is assured to 8enefit all who will ever live. ARANEA: In death, the player would later 8e in the position to help 8ring an end to a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction. ARANEA: A force which was unleashed, for instance, 8y someone who once opted for the other choice. ARANEA: Yalda8aoth then descri8ed what it meant to choose the path of the conqueror. ARANEA: It was a path for a more active player, to 8e sure. The player's mettle as a conquering force would 8e tested directly, and repeatedly. ARANEA: One 8y one, he would have to conquer and destroy a num8er of planets spawned for him in the session. Each would 8e more difficult than the last. ARANEA: After destroying them all, his true land would 8ecome unlocked. ARANEA: He would then return to face his denizen again, and defeat him in com8at. ARANEA: If successful, his reward would 8e unprecedented. ARANEA: He would receive the 8oon of unconditional immortality, where resurrection would not 8e linked with the just or heroic nature of death. ARANEA: It is unclear how this 8oon would 8e awarded, since to my knowledge it is 8eyond even the a8ility of a denizen to allow this. ARANEA: 8ut through whatever mechanism the 8oon is 8estowed, immortality is only the 8eginning. ARANEA: The player is somehow also im8ued with a limitless supply of power. Enough to destroy anything he wanted, for as long as he wanted. ARANEA: And knowing the villain of our story, anything he wanted would be everything. And as long as he wanted would be forever. ARANEA: Yes, knowing our villain, the choice he would make is quite clear. ARANEA: Knowing him, in fact, proves it could hardly 8e considered a choice at all.