JOHN: wow, she's really down for the count, isn't she. JOHN: i got a lot of extra punching practice in my fight with the skull jerk. JOHN: maybe i gained a bit too much man grit for my own good? TEREZI: WH4T 4R3 YOU T4LK1NG 4BOUT! TEREZI: DO YOU H4V3 4NY 1D34 WH4T YOU'V3 JUST DON3? JOHN: yes. JOHN: i randomly appeared and knocked vriska out cold, just like the scarf told me to. TEREZI: WH4T SC4RF??? JOHN: um... JOHN: this one? TEREZI: YOU W3R3N'T SUPPOS3D TO DO TH1S! TEREZI: 1 W4S SUPPOS3D TO K1LL H3R! TEREZI: YOU JUST DOOM3D US 4LL!!! JOHN: no, no... JOHN: i mean, yeah, it was supposed to go that way originally! JOHN: but now it doesn't have to, because of like, weird retcon magic, and also your crazy mind schemes. TEREZI: M1ND SCH3M3S?! JOHN: yes. JOHN: well, you from years in the future, just before you died. JOHN: i got help from your older, possibly wiser self. you helped me come back here, using the mysteries of the mind. TEREZI: 1 S33 TEREZI: BUT TH4T DO3S NOT 4NSW3R TH3 MOST 1MPORT4NT QU3ST1ON OF 4LL JOHN: what. TEREZI: WHY 4R3 YOU SUCH 4 DORK?! JOHN: shut up! TEREZI: L3T M3 S33 TH4T SC4RF JOHN: no!!