JAKE: Tavrosprite is it ok if we pretend to have a conversation over here for a while... JAKE: So that i look busy and not come off as big of a doofus as i feel like? TAVROSPRITE: i CAN OBLIGE, aND ALSO PERSONALLY IDENTIFY, wITH THAT IDEA, aND THE FEELINGS OF SELF LAMENESS BEHIND IT, TAVROSPRITE: bUUUT, TAVROSPRITE: i COULD ALSO HELP YOU OUT WITH A REAL CONVERSATION TOO, iNSTEAD OF A FAKE ONE, TAVROSPRITE: iN FACT, mAYBE WE ALREADY EVEN SAID ENOUGH WORDS TOGETHER, jUST NOW, fOR THAT TO QUALIFY, }:) JAKE: Hahaha oh tavrosprite. JAKE: You have always been the one ray of light shining through the clouds in what has otherwise been an emotionally stormy game experience for me. JAKE: Im so grateful that you found it in your ghostly bosom to drift over to lomax now and then to cheer me up. JAKE: Often enough to give me a real pickmeup when feeling blue over friend problems but just seldom enough to feel like a rare delight when you did. TAVROSPRITE: yEAH, TAVROSPRITE: i WAS UNDER STRICT INSTRUCTION FROM VRISKA, tO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE TIMELINE MUCH, fOR LOTS OF MONTHS, TAVROSPRITE: sO i DIDN'T SAY HELLO OFTEN, TAVROSPRITE: sHE HELPED ME BE BACK ALIVE, sO, i OWED HER THAT MUCH ON ONE HAND, TAVROSPRITE: bUT ON THE OTHER, i THINK SHE WAS DOING HER BOSSY THING, fOR THE SAKE OF JUST TELLING ME WHAT TO DO, TAVROSPRITE: aND i DIDN'T SEE HOW JUST BEING FRIENDLY SOMETIMES, wAS EVEN CHANGING THE TIMELINE MUCH, oR WHY THAT IDEA EVEN MATTERED? TAVROSPRITE: bECAUSE IT SEEMED LIKE MOST OF YOU ALL HERE, nEVER DID MUCH IMPORTANT STUFF ANYWAY, JAKE: Haha! Its true. More tiptop wisdom from that sage bullheaded noggin of yours. TAVROSPRITE: wHY DO YOU WANT TO BE PRETEND-TALKING, (eVEN THOUGH IT'S REAL), aND LOOK BUSY TO YOUR FRIENDS? JAKE: Im just not up to all this socialization yet. JAKE: Maybe i never will be. JAKE: I feel at ease talking to you but all these others... i dont know. JAKE: It feels really awkward and i think i lost most of my prior bravado due to a lot of bad things that happened with my friends. TAVROSPRITE: wHAT HAPPENED WITH THEM? JAKE: I just messed up with everyone in a lot of ways im too embarrassed to even talk about. JAKE: And now i just feel gunshy about... everything i guess. JAKE: Even polite conversation with fun new people i should be thrilled to meet! JAKE: I couldnt even set things right with my buddies now if i WANTED to. JAKE: Jane is asleep so i cant make amends with her after she became an angry robot and punched me in the gut and jailed me and threatened me with eternal marriage and baby making duties. JAKE: I mean sure she was brainwashed when she did all that but im SURE i did some stuff to deserve it! JAKE: Dirk is still way off somewhere so i cant address THAT whole spicy meatball which i still feel terrible about. JAKE: And roxy... JAKE: Well okay roxy is right there but look at her shes having a blast with all these people she actually really LIKES and who are probably ACTUALLY LIKABLE. JAKE: She probably wants nothing to do with me either so i might as well do her the courtesy of leaving her alone. TAVROSPRITE: bUT, TAVROSPRITE: iSN'T SHE, TAVROSPRITE: wAVING AT YOU, aND SAYING HELLO, rIGHT NOW, TAVROSPRITE: dUE, aLMOST CERTAINLY, tO OVERHEARING YOU TALKING ABOUT HER NAME? ROXY: hi jake!! JAKE: Oh. JAKE: Yeah..... JAKE: It would seem she is. JAKE: Those are probably pity waves though. TAVROSPRITE: iIII, TAVROSPRITE: dON'T THINK THAT IS TRUE, TAVROSPRITE: i HAVE BEEN THE GETTER ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY, oF THE PITY VERSIONS OF VARIOUS DEEDS DIRECTED AT ME, aND, TAVROSPRITE: i THINK THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE'S DOING, tHOSE ARE NORMAL WAVES AND HELLOS, TAVROSPRITE: yOU SHOULD PROBABLY DO ONE OF THOSE THINGS BACK TO HER, ROXY: HIIIII JAKE ROXY: JAKE ROXY: JAKE DAMMIT HI JAKE: Oh. JAKE: Um sorry. JAKE: H... hi roxy. JAKE: Youre with us again and... and... i like that. ROXY: :D TAVROSPRITE: nICE, bRO! TAVROSPRITE: kEEP WORKING AT BEHAVIORS OF THAT SORT, yOUR SELF ESTEEM WILL GET BIGGER, JAKE: "I like that???" JAKE: Thunderations what a fucking clod i am. JAKE: I really need to keep a lower profile. JAKE: Even basic pleasantries are a bit above my huckleberry for now. TAVROSPRITE: i GET IT, sELF ESTEEM IS PROBABLY THE HARDEST EMOTION TO MASTER, TAVROSPRITE: iT HELPS TO HAVE HELP, JAKE: And i appreciate it mr tavrosprite really i do. TAVROSPRITE: nO, i MEAN NOT FROM ME, TAVROSPRITE: dO YOU HAVE A FANTASY PHANTOM REPRESENTING YOUR SELF ESTEEM WHO YOU CAN LOOK UP TO? JAKE: A phantom?? TAVROSPRITE: bECAUSE i DID ONCE, aND IT HELPED ME, TAVROSPRITE: tHEN HE BECAME REAL, aND *REALLY* HELPED ME, bUT NOT BECAUSE OF BELIEVING OR ANYTHING, TAVROSPRITE: jUST BECAUSE OF COINCIDENCE, hE HAPPENED TO BE MY ANCESTOR,