VRISKA: Hey kid, what's he telling you? VRISKA: What's your name again? Jape? JAKE: Ja... JAKE: I JAKE: J... JAKE: Yes. Sure. TAVROSPRITE: nO, iT'S NOT jAPE, wRONG, VRISKA: Who even cares? Your overly simplistic human names all sound so alike to me. VRISKA: Anyway, listen Jape. VRISKA: Whatever load of shit he's selling you in a misguided effort to cheer you up, don't listen to him. VRISKA: It's all a 8unch of sappy delusional gar8age. VRISKA: I'm not going to let you down easy, and some day you'll realize this is the 8iggest favor anyone's ever done for you. VRISKA: You are never going to do anything important, and you'll never amount to anything. Period! VRISKA: Neither is Tavros. TAVROSPRITE: wAIT, nO, nOW HOLD, ON, VRISKA: No, YOU hold on, Tavros. VRISKA: You had more than enough chances to prove you could 8e a relevant contri8utor to our adventure, 8ut you 8lew it every step of the way. VRISKA: It's time to face the facts. You're never going to have that "8ig moment" that vindic8tes your arc of personal development. It's just not going to happen! TAVROSPRITE: nO, i KNOW THAT, i JUST ADMITTED THAT, TAVROSPRITE: yOU WEREN'T LISTENING TO OUR,,, VRISKA: It's not going to happen for Jape here, either. So stop filling his head with nonsense. VRISKA: I can just smell it off him. He's just like you, really. VRISKA: A loser is a loser. JAKE: *Sniffle.* VRISKA: Here's the 8ottom line. VRISKA: Pages just suck! VRISKA: All of them do. They just can't ever seem to get it together. VRISKA: I think it just happens to 8e the class players get stuck with if they're naturally that sort of person. VRISKA: It doesn't mean they don't have value as people, 8ut they'll never have anything significant to contri8ute, so they really should just stay out of the way. VRISKA: There's a certain quiet dignity in understanding your utterly cripplng limit8tions as an individual. Ideally, a VERY quiet dignity, so the important people can still hear themselves think! TAVROSPRITE: oK BUT, wHAT ABOUT ALL THAT, bIG PAGE POTENTIAL, VRISKA: That's also a lot of misleading horseshit, and really kind of a cruel stipul8tion of the class, to 8e honest. VRISKA: It makes losers think there's actually some light at the end of a long tunnel, so it keeps them dreaming instead of facing the facts! VRISKA: Sure, they could reach all that potential if they worked really hard for a long time, 8ut don't you get it? VRISKA: The very n8ture of who they are PROHI8ITS that! They don't have what it takes to stick it out to the end, 8ecause they're too weak mentally. VRISKA: So it's just the game playing a nasty joke on them. Like dangling a carrot at the end of a ridiculously long stick. VRISKA: Only an asshole would knowlingly play along with such a vicious hoax. TAVROSPRITE: aRGH, nO, aNY FORM OF FRIENDSHIP ENCOURAGEMENT, nO MATTER WHAT, iS UNIVERSALLY GREAT i THINK, TAVROSPRITE: wE ALL LEARN THIS AS FACT, fROM LOTS OF THINGS WE SEE AND ENJOY, iN STORIES AND STUFF, VRISKA: Oh my fucking god. JAKE: No... tavrosprite shes... shes right. JAKE: Shes right. JAKE: *Sniff.* TAVROSPRITE: vRISKA, lOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, TAVROSPRITE: yOU MADE MY FRIEND JAPE SAD, TAVROSPRITE: dON'T LISTEN TO HER, aND COME HERE BUDDY, fOR A REASSURING EMBRACE, VRISKA: TAVROS DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM!!!!!!!! VRISKA: Remem8er, you've only 8een prototyped once! VRISKA: Do you REALLY want to fuse into an eternal monstrosity with that weenie? VRISKA: God, what a weenie singularity that would 8e. May8e I should stand 8ack and let it happen! VRISKA: For science. Also, it would serve you right. TAVROSPRITE: oHHHHHHHH, TAVROSPRITE: yEAHHHHHHHH? TAVROSPRITE: wELL GET A LOAD, oF THIS! TAVROSPRITE: aCTUALLY, TAVROSPRITE: nO, yOU'RE, TAVROSPRITE: rIGHT OF COURSE, i WON'T HUG HIM, bECAUSE, TAVROSPRITE: tHAT SOUNDS REALLY, rEALLY BAD, TAVROSPRITE: sORRY JAPE, JAKE: :(