VRISKA: That covers the overall tactical situ8tion! VRISKA: Gr8 jo8, Karkat. VRISKA: Really, just an all around gr8, gr8 jo8. I mean that. KARKAT: THANK YOU. VRISKA: Now, listen... VRISKA: We've got to keep these 8attles spread out across the session so you all don't start tripping on each other's toes, turning this into more of a clusterfuck than it already is. VRISKA: That means you need to st8tion teams ready to intercept the Jacks wherever they're coming from. VRISKA: You also need to launch your lightning-strike raid on the Condesce 8efore any of them get here. VRISKA: As for your party's healer, like I said, she'll need to 8e highly mo8ile. VRISKA: So what you'll need to do is lay out a network of key portals and transporters so she can make the rounds, and 8e in tight communic8tion with her. VRISKA: One of you less relevant, more mo8ile folks should get on that now.